A Dog Saved Its Pregnant Owner’s Life By Relentlessly Barking At Her Belly

If you have a pet, you are aware that most human senses are not discernible to animals. Compared to humans, they have significantly greater senses. You might not believe this, but after reading about Alhanna Butler and her dog Keola’s incredible journey, we are confident that you will start to. A dog that was pregnant saved the life of its owner by barking nonstop at her growing womb.

Keola Started to Act Strange:

Keola was initially normal, but by the time her mother was around four months pregnant, she had begun to act quite weirdly. Keola was acting strangely because she was no longer peacefully gazing over her mother. Instead, she began to sob and claw at Alhanna’s stomach. She appeared to be attempting to say something, but the couple paid little attention to it.

Dreaming about Having Children:

Alhanna and her fiancé Ricky hit it off right away when they first met. They made the quick decision to create a family since they were certain they wanted to spend the rest of their life together. After several failed tries, everything began to seem like a faraway dream, but one-day Alhanna got the news she had been waiting her entire life for: she was pregnant.

Excited Keola:

Keola, an American Akita, knew right away that her mother was expecting a child. She was already hugging and kissing her mom, but when she learned that she was expecting, she softened much more. As Alhanna’s belly got larger by the day, Keola began to spend most of her time with her.

Everything Seemed to Be Going Okay:

Except for Keola’s antics, everything appeared to be going smoothly, and Rihanna was thoroughly enjoying her pregnancy. She was remarkably less comfortable at the time. The couple ignored Keola’s behavior since they believed it to be a phase because they were so happy to welcome a new life into the world.

Things Started to Get Scary: 

Alhanna’s pregnancy was going along smoothly until one day when she began to experience sudden, severe pains. She had just turned 16 weeks old when she suddenly began to feel some pretty intense lower back pains. She struggled to walk and communicate due to the excruciating agony. She was taken to the hospital right away, and Ricky hoped for the best.

Anticipating Bad News:

The couple began to worry about their child as soon as Alhanna was promptly rushed to the hospital and the doctor noticed her in the proper way. When they learned that the baby was healthy and that only pregnancy was having an adverse effect on the mother’s body, the couple felt enormous relief. She was told to simply be gentle with her body and get more rest.

Exhausted but Relieved:

The couple just wanted to go home and rest after spending so much time worrying about whether or not the baby was doing okay. Alhanna trusted the doctors even though she was still in severe pain and went to her comfortable bed to get some much-needed rest.

Sharing Updates on Facebook: 

Alhanna let her relatives and friends know how things were progressing the next day by sharing the updates on Facebook. She detailed every detail, including Keola’s recent unusual behavior as well as the symptoms. Many of Alhanna’s friends and family members came out to express their support, and some of them even advised her to follow Keola’s intuition and visit the doctor again.

Was Keola Making a Statement?

Alhanna had been absolutely exhausted over the past few days and was at a loss for what to do. She was reluctant to visit the doctor because she had already been assured that everything was alright. Alhanna’s suffering remained, though, and she began to think Keola might be correct.

Alhanna’s Mom Knew Something Wasn’t Right:

Alhanna was having trouble deciding whether to visit the doctor, people are opposed from her friends and relatives. It wasn’t until her mother intervened that she was persuaded to seek a second opinion. Her mother was confident that Keola’s peculiar behaviour was not random. The following morning, Alhanna went to work without realising something terrible was going to occur.

Everything Was Looking for Answers:

Everything was searching for explanations when Alhanna’s condition began to improve while she was in the emergency room. To ascertain the source of her pain and whether it was significant or not, doctors performed a number of tests.


The medical professionals were aware that Alhanna posed a major risk to both her life and her unborn child. In order to prevent more harm to her kidneys, they started giving her the appropriate care and treatment.

Baby Boy, Welcome to the World:

After going through so much anxiety, Alhanna gave birth to a healthy baby boy in November of 2015. The baby’s name was Lincoln. The couple was overjoyed and incredibly appreciative of Keola.

Ecstatic To See Baby Brother:

Keola, as expected, was overjoyed the moment she learned that her parents had a new baby brother living with them.

Keola Insisting on Taking Nap with Lincoln:

After a few particularly long hikes, it became routine for Keola and Lincoln to have a calm snooze. They make taking a nap together look so adorable.

Lincoln’s smile says it all: 

Despite the fact that he is still a baby, it is clear that he and Keola have a special bond.

Reflecting on Pregnancy Scare:

In light of Pregnancy Scare, the tale of Ricky, Alhanna, Lincoln, and Keola demonstrates how occasionally our pets can reveal information to us that is invisible to others. Alhanna stated in an interview with Daily Mirror that she and her son Lincoln would not be present today if it weren’t for Keola.

Can Dogs Spot a Sick Person?

Dogs are able to detect changes in body chemistry because it is well-known that illness alters a person’s chemistry. Keola noticed alterations in Alhanna’s body chemistry when she had a double kidney infection.

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