How To Calculate Percentage? – 3 ways to calculate percentage

What is the Percentage of?

How to find percentage? The phrase percentage is adapted from the Latin word “per centum”, which means “by the hundred.” This term is denoted by the percentage sign “%.In other words, percentages are fractions with 100 as the denominator. A percentage is a relation between part and whole where the value of the whole is always taken as 100. Calculating percentages is a straightforward mathematical procedure to perform. Sometimes, when you have to get the quantity portion or ratio as a part of another quantity, you will have to indicate it as a % percentage. In this post, we explain what percentages are as well as how to compute them. We also give examples of utilizing percentages or how to calculate percentage of a number.

How to find a Percentage of a Number?

How to find a Percentage of a Number?

Below are the steps to manually calculating percentages:

1. Choose the initial format of the number to be converted to a percentage:

The first step in converting a number to a percentage is to identify whether the number given is in fraction or decimal format. For example, a decimal number would appear as 0.55 while a fraction would be represented as 4/25. Once the number’s format has been determined, the following mathematical procedure can be carried out accordingly.

2. Implement a mathematical process for the number to be converted to a percentage:

Now if the figure you want to be changed to a percentage is in a decimal fraction like 0.55, then you might not have to do anything at all before you move to the upcoming step. Nevertheless, if the number is in a fraction like 4/25, divide the numerator ( the upper number 4) by the denominator ( the base number 25) to obtain a decimal number.

3. Multiply the number by 100:

If you are needed to change a decimal fraction to a percentage then you have to simply multiply the number by 100. For example, if you have a decimal number like 0.55 then multiply it by 100 to get the percentage. That is 0.55 x 100 = 55. Hence, 0.55 as a percentage equals 55%. 

Another example of this is  0.09 x 100 = 9%. And if you want to get a percentage of a divided fraction then first divide the numerator by the denominator and then multiply it by 100. For example, if you have the number 4/22 then you should divide 4 by 25 = 0.16. Then multiply this number by 100, 0.16 x 100 = 16%.

Percentage Difference Between Two Numbers

Percentage Difference Between Two Numbers

The percentage difference between the two numbers is the quantity’s value in terms of % over a duration. From time to time we have to know about the increase or decline in quantity as a percentage, which is also indicated as a Percentage Change. Here we are going to give you an example of a percentage difference, a reduction in poverty, and a growth in population. 

Here are the two possibilities that may occur while getting a percentage difference, and the two possibilities are:

  • Calculate percentage Increase
  • Calculate percentage Decrease

Percentage Increase – How to Calculate Percentage increase?

Percentage Increase - How to Calculate Percentage increase?

This refers to the value of purchase change when it rises during a period of time. Here we are going to give an example of a calculate percent increase to better explain this topic. The best example of this is population increase, an addition in the bacteria number on a surface, etc. You can easily calculate percentage increase by using the given formula:

Calculate Percentage Increase= (Increased Value-Original value)/Original value × 100

Percentage Decrease – How to Calculate Percentage Decrease?

Percentage Decrease - How to Calculate Percentage Decrease?

This term refers to the value of purchase change when it is declined during a period of time. A decline in the number of Covid patients is an example of a calculated percent decrease. You can efficiently calculate percentage decrease by using the given formula:

Calculate Percentage Decrease= (Original value-Decreased Value)/Original Value × 100.

If you are not satisfied with manually calculating percentages so, you can use a Percentage Calculator. If you want to use the Percentage Calculator for calculating a percentage of a number. So, it is easy to use simply fill in the values and click calculate.

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