How to Keep Your Information Safe Online – 5 Data Protection Tips

Do you know you can face some of the biggest online dangers like identity theft, malware, data breach, or virus if your online information is not safe? You should protect your information from hackers, or scammers that happened to be everywhere in this era of digitization. If you haven’t protected your information i.e. Gmail accounts, social media accounts, and bank accounts properly, there are chances of your personal information getting leaked. It can be a devastating moment that can’t be corrected immediately. 

But there is no need to worry, there are ways that can keep your information secure forever. And you can use your devices and other important accounts safely. 

Keep Your Passwords Strong

Your password should be strong enough to not be guessed by anyone easily. When you are selecting the password for any account, make sure to use uppercase letters, lowercase letters, symbols, and countings as well. Try not to use simple words or specific words related to your life like your name or date of birth, but use unique letters or words. 

Don’t keep the same passwords everywhere, but change them alternatively. Some social media platforms or accounts also tell you if your password is weak or strong. So, it is the best way you can keep your information safe online by making unique and strong passwords.

Tip: Don’t share your passwords with anyone.

Do not use a Single Email Account

You should keep a separate email account for every purpose. For example, if you are signing up for a social media platform and google, a third party asks for email. Make a new email account to use in your social media accounts rather than putting your bank account email in your Instagram or anywhere. 

This means you should have a separate email for your bank account, and social media platforms, and talk with friends. Because mixing up all of the things in one account can cause problems for you later. It’s better to prefer secure ways initially and don’t regret it afterward. This is one of the best way to data protection tips.

Avoid sharing Personal information online

People nowadays are obsessed with sharing everything online. It is frequently seen people are highlighting their current locations and other related information in their posts and stories. It is like handing out personal information yourself and getting yourself noticed by hackers and other bad guys to take advantage of your personal information. 

Better check your privacy settings, and who are you sharing your information with. Avoid sharing your personal information publicly or it can lead to many hacking issues. 

Two-Step Verification Method 

Every platform provides an open two-step verification method to highly secure your identity and information. Make sure to enable this verification method. It asks for your email and phone number. In case, if there is anyone tries to hack or get into your account, it immediately informs you. You will get an email to verify if it’s you trying to log in or someone else. 

Moreover, this option enables informing you through text messages. So you can take necessary actions quickly and keep your online information safe.

Wifi and Sites Links 

Wifi and site links are some things you need to use with care. Free wifi is always a danger sign for your personal data, so never use them. Through wifi, you are giving access to all your information. You never know whose wifi are you using and they can spy on you very easily.

Other than that, site links do the same for you. But you can check out if the site is secure or not. Whenever you open a website, check the link if it has HTTPS written at the start or not. If not, close it immediately. 


These are one of the best possible ways you can find anywhere to keep your online information safe and secure without any worries. If you are following the above-discussed ways, be carefree because you are safe from any hacking or virus issues. Try to manage your accounts separately and never share your passwords, account details, and other delicate pieces of information with anyone, so that there can be minimal chances of happening anything bad. Stay safe and have the benefit of the online world safely!

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