Instagrammer ‘Dude With Sign’ Tells Us How To Make A Better World

Have you ever been upset by the volume of air or chips in a snack bag or the additional expense of guacamole? This man is aware of your suffering. With these humorous signs, this man is protesting annoying daily issues. Enjoy these funny protest signs that most people may identify with.

Thanksgiving and Halloween Come First:

Have you ever been browsing a mall in the middle of October and you suddenly see Christmas decorations being sold? Has anyone forgotten that Thanksgiving and Halloween fall before Christmas?

Daylight Savings Time Is Meaningless:

You wake up one day a year having lost an hour of sleep, and the next day you have gained an hour. What purpose does the time change serve? Originally, the purpose of daylight savings time was to conserve energy by allowing for an extra hour of daylight, but now days, it serves no such purpose and is useless.

Put Extra Chips in the Bag:

when you open a brand-new bag of chips only to find that there are only six chips inside and that the bag contains three-quarters air. You are not the only one who believes the snack company scammed you. When you can breathe it for free, why would you spend $4 for basically air? Spend less and breathe more.

“Perhaps If I Get Up Right Now, I Can Save An Extra Two Seconds.”

No one is leaving, and the door is still locked. Standing as soon as the plane touches down will not save you any time. You might need to stretch, but return to your seat. By blocking the aisle, you are merely making it more difficult for everyone else to exit when they need to.

There Should Be Snow Days For Work: 

Recall your pleasure as a child when you received a phone call from your school informing you that it was a snow day. To experience the same thrill as an adult would be nice.You probably aren’t getting those phone calls anymore unless you are a teacher. Even when it snows, you have to work from home, which is less enjoyable than a true snow day.

When You See A Story Of A Concert, Click Unfollow:

People used to enjoy concerts without capturing them all before smartphones. You can pretty much watch any concert from home these days thanks to the popularity of Snapchat and Instagram stories since someone will undoubtedly post the entire event. I don’t want to see the entirety of the Drake concert you attended, Jessica, since I can hear you singing in the background and it ruins the song.

Forever Alone: 

As you get closer to your mid- to late-20s, your older relatives will start to question about your romantic status. Having to tell people that you are still single starts to frustrate you. Your sweet granny always asks, and because you adore her, you don’t want to be impolite. However, it also serves as a harsh reminder that you haven’t yet mastered cuffing season.

Please Learn The Correct Expression:

Why don’t you, if you couldn’t care less? To state “I couldn’t care less” makes more sense. Why don’t people just state their frustration? It is a straightforward answer to this age-old issue.

Stop Replying To All Emails Sent Across The Company:

Nobody is interested in Kathy’s particular problem with the policy modification. A company-wide email does not require a reply-all. Is anyone else worried that they will accidently hit reply-all while typing anything personal?

When You Don’t Know Who The Tinder Profile Belongs To:

When using a dating app, never publish a group photo. You probably hope the most handsome person in a group photo is the one who owns the profile when you see one. The next image you swipe to isn’t the most beautiful one. Additionally, people will only post group photos, so you’ll never know who you’re connected with. Posting group photos will only make you more likely to fail.

Does It Worth $2.70?

Did you realise that Chipotle charges an extra $2.70 for guacamole? Why are you being charged so much for a little scoop of spices and avocado? We need some responses. Being a regular and having the guacamole be extra every time as if you hadn’t been there every day for the previous two weeks is also frustrating.

No One Cares How Much You Like Drake: 

In order for users to examine their listening statistics, Spotify started releasing “Spotify Wrapped” at the end of the year in 2017. Everybody and their mother felt compelled to screenshot their findings in 2019 and post them to their social media stories for some reason. No one really cares whether Kanye West was your favourite artist of the year, I’m sorry to break it to you. That has no importance to your followers.

Spends $200 More Per Month On Three Additional Shows:

Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, CBS All Access, Hulu, Youtube TV, HBO Now, and a variety of other services are available. In order to move them to a more upscale streaming service, more and more series are being removed off Netflix. You need at least four different subscriptions to keep up with all of your favourite shows. How do you keep track of all your login information or which provider hosts which show?

“Post Unavailable: This Account Is Private”

When you open your conversation and find “Post Unavailable: This Account is Private,” sending memes to friends on Instagram is all fun and games. Don’t share memes from private accounts because you don’t know if all of your friends have followed the account. And being unable to laugh at what may have been a funny meme is frustrating.

May The Chances Always Be In Your Favour:

Astrologers frequently mention “their week being off since Mercury is in retrograde” in their conversations. Because Mercury is frequently cited as a reason, it appears to be in retrograde all the time. A awful day today? Put that down to Mercury going backwards. Did you argue with the person you’re dating? Put that down to Mercury going backwards. It can be used for almost anything.

Seinfield Is Way Better Than Friends:

Well, this is up for debate. Because viewers enjoy the two shows for various reasons, it is difficult to compare them. Since Friends is significantly superior, we are staging a protest with our own placard to draw attention to this.

Imma Please Release The Album. But…

For much too long, Kanye West teased his album “Jesus is King.” He began recording it in August 2018 and teased fans that it would be released in September 2019. Kanye disregarded his scheduled release date to perform at a listening party for a song that was still being worked on. The album was planned to be published on September 27, however no new music was made available on that day. After over a month, he eventually released “Jesus is King” on October 25.

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