Tough Love: Pranks By Couples With A Great Sense Of Humor

When questioned, a lot of people state that their ability to make each other laugh is what they love most about their love other. So, what better way to make them laugh than to play a small harmless prank on them? The following practical jokes aren’t always cute and innocent, so we’re truly curious about how many of these relationships survived. In order to avoid getting any ideas from the following list of dedicated pranksters, read on only if you dare.

Snip! Hello, Hair!

You are all aware that a woman’s hair is her crowning beauty and that she spends a lot of time caring for it. This guy obviously knows how important her hair is to her, which is why he chose to play a prank on her by giving her a faux haircut. He acted as though he was cutting a small section of her hair while holding a blonde extension in one hand and scissors in the other. As to be expected, the girl was shocked and made the decision to express how “furious” she was at the joke.

Snip! Hello, Hair!

From The Swaps, Happy Holidays!

If you don’t want your holiday cards to look like this, wives, don’t let your husbands make them. When the wife asked her jokester husband, he obviously jumped at the chance to send the year’s holiday card! This wonderfully adorable card was created by exchanging parents’ faces with those of their children, and vice versa. Merry Christmas, indeed!

Try Teaching It To Bark: 

A golden retriever is one of the ideal presents a dog lover might receive! And when his girlfriend came and asked for one, her lover did respond—but not quite in the way she had anticipated. A golden retriever was created by painting a grab handle gold. We do, however, hope he later handed her a genuine one!

Acidic Reptile:

The man decided to print up a picture of a lizard that is rumoured to spit acid while bored at home and stick it to their air freshener. The air freshener now resembles an acid-spitting lizard. Do you believe the wife’s fear of lizards is real?

Can We Support You?

Have you ever considered that the objects in your immediate vicinity may be secretly alive? When you groggily go to the fridge to grab some milk in the middle of the night, all of the food inside is looking at you. Can you imagine being the victim of this joke? This woman did consider how amusing it would be to see all the objects with expressions on their faces! They simply seem so vibrant.

Gained A Little Weight?

The man chose to play around with his wife when they were at a doctor’s appointment. The man put his foot on the scale every time she did. For seven minutes, the woman repeatedly stepped on and off the scale as the nurse chuckled. The woman eventually became aware of what was happening behind her.

Get in the picture!

Having a lover who is so funny and a friend who laughs along with him must be fun. Like in this instance, where his girlfriend requested a sexy photo of his lover, and he provided as a result.

Dear Sir,

The wife considered printing out a suitable photo of Bruce Willis to play a practical joke on her husband who was ready to change the air filters. Before her husband saw Mr. Willis was staring back at him, she had put it inside the air filter. The wife’s laughter became excessive.

Sandwich for Two: 

“Cut it in half” might mean a few different things, so without her husband giving her explicit instructions on how to cut it in half, the husband took the initiative to cut it whatever she liked. Though probably not what he was considering, this is nonetheless true! We don’t believe that the hubby would consume such a sandwich.

Turtle Guard: 

To protect your family, you must have guard dogs. As a result, when a woman asked for a guard dog, her husband responded that their turtle would suffice. He taped a knife to the turtle’s shell to show his wife that it was doable. We believe the attackers would be preoccupied with how adorable the turtle is to even attempt to steal anything.

Heart Shaped Pancake!

Not what you’d anticipate when offered a pancake in the shape of a heart!

My Pregnant Girlfriend Requested That I Take Pictures Of Various Things:

So, while I’m out here in Dubai, my pregnant girlfriend has asked me to take pictures of things that remind me of her. You got it!

“Sex After 40” Book Prank:

We bet that guy’s laughing filled the entire room as he pulled out the book “Sex After 40.”

When Wife Say Want A Toasty Shower:

My wife just informed me that she is expecting and requested a toasty shower. 

A Plain Tie:

My girlfriend advised me to wear a plain tie to dinner this evening.

Lady Giving Birth:

 A funny picture to look back on, but the expecting mother was probably furious in the moment!

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