The Winning Wildlife Photos From The Prestigious Siena International Photo Awards

In the 2018 Siena International Photo Awards, there were over 48,000 submissions. With their stunning entries, the amazing photographers simply made the job of the judges harder. There were 11 competition categories for the competitors, ranging from views to sports photos. These images highlight the variety of the breathtaking planet we live on.

USA, Arctic Fox:

On the coastal plains of Alaska’s Arctic, the photographer came across this fox rummaging through a caribou’s carcass. The photographer had to trail the animal for two hours slowly in order to prevent it from running away before he could take the photo from six feet distance. It was a rare occasion captured on camera, and the fox had just finished her supper. For a little period of time, the photographer entered the fox’s world when she let him get close to her.

Chile’s El Calbuco:

The Calbuco volcano in Chile’s Lagos region was erupting violently at night when the photographer captured this stunning picture. It is very breathtaking to see the vivid colours combined with lightning and volcanic explosions. The Mapuche language has a word for blue water called Calbuco. This is unquestionably Mother Nature at her best.

Expressing Emotion:

The photographer managed to take a picture that is both stunning and tragic. The boy is sheltered by this herd of cows, which look out for and comfort him. People who lack a home or a family to care for them can be found in many poor areas of the world. This picture depicts the struggles faced by children worldwide who are often voiceless.

Brazil’s Cosmic Wildflowers:

When the milky way is elevated in the distance and there is a 180-degree vista, the field of Paepalantus wildflowers shines like a field of tiny lights. The Vaedeiros Tablelands National Park is where this amazing picture was captured. The region is situated in the oldest geological region of the continent, which dates back 1.8 billion years. To protect wildlife and the terrain, the park was established in 1961.

View Of The Winter Lofoten From Below:

Given that the water must be extremely cold there, this underwater photograph was deserving of praise. The picture was taken in northern Norway, where the beautiful winter hues contrast sharply with the snowy white backdrop. The Northern Lights, which flash across the sky at night in spectacular color, stand out sharply against the nighttime sky. Although ice in the winter, the waterways are home to an abundance of marine and plant life.

Kenya’s Rhino Silhouette:

The rhino was standing next to a tree when the photographer came across it while riding out of camp in the Masai Mara National Park early in the morning in search of the Great Migration. The moment the birds flew out of the tree like leaves blowing in the wind is when he took the picture. Rhinos are now considered to be endangered because of poaching and habitat destruction, and it is extremely uncommon to see one outside of a national park.

In the Home with Nemo:

The gorgeous clownfish hides inside the anemone for protection. The Great Barrier Reef, the Indian Ocean, and the Indo-Malaysian region are among the warm seas where the clownfish can be found. They appreciate the protected reef and the calm waters. One emerged from the anemone, and the photographer captured it. It stands out beautifully against the white background. The anemone bites everyone else, animal or human, but it cleans the clownfish.

Antarctica Waters, The Wave:

Between Antarctica and Cape Horn, in the Drake Passage, the photographer was able to take this picture. Thankfully, the photographer was equipped with a camera and was standing by as this 12-meter wave pummelled the boat’s forecastle. Amazingly, despite the intensity of the ocean and the main wave crashing on the ship, the boat did not capsize. This was a regular workday for the researchers on board the ship, who are accustomed to rough waves.

Russian Toy Houses:

The photographer managed to capture a picture of some Russian dachas close to Arkhangelsk. There is a stark contrast between the white of the snow and the color of the houses. Because of the distinctive hues and the large number of houses packed into a compact space, it nearly seems like a painting. It’s such a wonderful setting since everything is so symmetrical and vibrant. The city of Arkhangelsk is situated next to a White Sea outlet in the northwest of Russia.

“Way to Hell”  The Beauty of Nature:

The West of the Land of Ice and Fire is home to a string of tiny exploding craters. The viewer’s vision is guided by a river of lava, and tall plumes of smoke rising into the sky. It is a singular experience to witness a volcanic explosion, and experience its sounds, smells, and intense heat.

Fascinating Faces and Characters:

A smiling 70-year-old woman who enjoys keeping animals, especially chickens, and farming the land. Her hands and face are obviously worn from a life of work, yet her grin is still optimistic. Through her eyes, everything is wonderful. She carries her hen such that it becomes a part of her.

Guanaco Hunting by Puma:

A full-grown guanaco is being pursued by a female puma. While the mantles blend in with the background, the two animals stand out in the foreground thanks to their muscular bodies, which also give the image rhythm and help the main characters stand out.

Underwater Life: “Hunting California Sea Lion”

Due to their high population in the school, sea lions have a difficult time catching sardines. The sea lion must repeatedly enter the school in an effort to separate one of the fish from the others so he may concentrate on it and pursue the lone sardine.

“Angelina Jolie and Bees Number 1”:

To celebrate Angelina’s Women for Bees program on World Bee Day, Nat Geo had this portrait shot. Everyone working on the set had to put on a full bee suit. To get the bees to gather there, Angelina was sprayed with the real queen bee pheromone. Angelina remained motionless for 18 minutes without experiencing any pain.

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