Examples of Business Analytics – What is Business Analytics?

What is Business Analytics?

What is Business Analytics?

Business Analytic is the application of information technology to solve business problems. The goal of BA is to use data and statistics to quickly identify trends, make predictions and communicate meaningful findings to decision-makers in order to increase organizational performance. This is the field of computer-related studies with the goal of developing and applying high-level knowledge and skills to answer questions related to an organization. It involves data mining, statistical analysis, data visualization, and business intelligence.

Business Analytic is a term that encompasses the set of analysis techniques, concepts, and practices used in the management of businesses. BA focuses on the use of quantitative techniques to analyze big chunks of data and extract meaningful information. The aim is to get real intelligence, not just raw data. Business Analytics plays an important role in decision-making at all levels in modern businesses.

Typical Problems with Business Analytic

Here are some typical problems businesses face when it comes to BA.

  1. Difficulty identifying an actual business and/or a specific problem that needs to be solved.
  2. Difficulty linking business use cases with data and analytics.
  3. Lack of focused effort against specific challenges.
  4. Difficulty in implementing the required solution.
  5. Dependency on complex data warehouse solutions.
  6. Challenges related to informing top management.
  7. Data can be overwhelming, especially when you’re just starting out. That’s where we come in. We make your data easy to digest through email and widget-based content.

Business Analytic Roles and Responsibilities

Business Analytic Roles and Responsibilities

BA is the use of advanced technology to inform, manage, and measure business processes and operations. In addition to providing information about how a business operates, it provides management with insights on how they can improve efficiency and improve customer service. The analysis is the exercise of measuring, summarizing, or analyzing data. This involves the use of standard business metrics to track performance against targets in order to improve business decision-making.

The roles and responsibilities of business analysts vary based on the business analytics platform they are using. Common roles include data analyst, modeler, and data scientist. Business analytics plays a key role in the success of businesses. Business analysts use various techniques to understand, measure, and improve business performance. They develop analytical frameworks that help business units to analyze the problem under study, make sense of data, identify meaningful trends and draw robust conclusions.

Data Science, Data Analytics, and Business Intelligence

Data Science, Data Analytics, and Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI) is about reporting on what we know and data analytics is about leveraging our data to gain insight. It is important to understand the difference between these three different processes before diving into one of them.

Business Intelligence (BI) uses quantitative analysis and predictive modeling to provide business plans with a more accurate assessment of internal and external stakeholders. This is a new discipline which brings together all of the different aspects and tools that allow businesses to make better decisions about their data and processes. It encompasses everything from data management, to analytics talent development and industry best practice.

Data Analytics uses tools like statistical analysis and machine learning algorithms to provide a deeper understanding of data in the hope of achieving more intuitive analytics that can be used by individuals and the business at large.

A data scientist is a person who applies the techniques of mathematics and computer science to extract actionable information from data. Business intelligence software is designed to make decisions based on analytics, which can involve big-data , machine learning, or pattern recognition. Data science focuses on applying the power of three: algorithms, insights and technology together to solve problems with data.

What are the implications of Business analytics?

What are the implications of Business Analytic?

This helps organizations gain a competitive edge. It delivers actionable data and insights that help you make better decisions. Business analytic is the use of analytical models and software to collect data, examine it for information, and make information available in a meaningful way to decision makers. This involves using intelligent methodologies to derive valuable insights from data. The purpose of BA is to provide an understanding of the current state and implications of economic, social, and environmental factors relevant to business operations.

This provides the information you need to make better decisions, by exploring data produced by your business. It helps you discover patterns, trends and connections in information from multiple sources such as customer satisfaction surveys and production issues. This includes advanced data analysis and modeling, although basic descriptive statistics are also essential to supporting decision-making.

Types of Business Analytics

Some of the main types of  Business Analytic are given below as:

Descriptive Analytics:

Descriptive analytics are the sort of analytics that describe the features, traits and characteristics of a particular group of individuals or objects. These are often used for market research studies, for example as input to building infographics.

Predictive Analytics:

Predictive analytics can predict future trends, such as changes in consumer preferences, market shares and sales. Predictive analytics is used to create powerful models that can be used to make informed decisions about the future.

Prescriptive Analytics:

Prescriptive analytics is the art of finding trends and patterns in data to determine what should be done next. This involves predicting outcomes, creating actionable insights and organizational change that are based on your data alone.

Diagnostic Analytics:

Diagnostic analytics is generating information about your business and your customers. This type of analytics will help you to improve the quality of your products, services or operations. By identifying opportunities, it can also help make you a better company in terms of how you interact with people.


BA can be used in many different ways. It may involve looking at financial data, researching potential customers and ways to improve on the marketing campaign, using analytics to keep track of how word of mouth is affecting a product, and much more. Many organizations have started using this as a way to gather more information about their customers and products so they can make better decisions to better serve them. This course teaches you how to use analytics to support decision-making and solve problems in a business context.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Business Analytics a good major?

Graduates with a major in BA might anticipate earning a higher-than-average beginning salary due to the highly skilled nature of this profession and the constantly expanding demand. An average yearly business analytics salary is $83,660 according to financial analysts.

Which of these are examples of Business Analytics?

There are five Business Analytic Examples and below are the list of examples:
1. Growing sales.
2. Developing marketing strategies.
3. Using predictive analytics.
4. Improving financial efficiency.
5. Increasing productivity through streamlined processes. 

Is a masters in Business Analytics worth it?

If you wish to further your profession, an MSBA is a particularly important addition to your skill set. In fact, earning a master’s degree is practically a requirement for professionals who want to advance to senior leadership positions by the time they reach mid-career.

Is Business Analytics Hard?

The quick response is no. When compared to fields like data science, this is less on having a strong technical ability and more about drawing practical conclusions from vast amounts of data.

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